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Technology Tote

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500 Totes with Gear Given Away Each Day at ESC Expo

Pick up your Tote at booth #2418!

Engineer Technology Tote Details:

Last year, we handed out ESC Engineer Survival Kits and it was a hit. The showfloor was buzzing about how cool this kit was. This year we are gearing up for the newest version of the ESC kit-- The 2010 Technology Tote.

Technology Tote Includes:

  • Aluminum Reusable Waterbottle brought to you by Marvell
  • Official ESC Computer Bag
  • Atmel® QTouch® Kit
  • Development Software by Cypress
  • USBee SuitePro
  • MicroDigital Post-It Cube

Please note. This is a limited offer. 500 kits will be given away each day.*The Technology Totes will not be given out to exhibit booth staff. Conference and expo attendees only. Attendees badges will be scanned to confirm that each attendee only receives on Kit per person.

Not Registered Yet? What are you waiting for?
You still have time to receive your FREE Engineer Technology Tote. Once registered, you will have 3 expo days to get your FREE Technology Tote.

Contact Amy Giannini at [email protected].