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TI's eZ430-Chronos Wireless Watch Development Tool

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eZ430-Chronos Wireless WatchReceive an eZ430-Chronos Wireless Watch Development Tool!

Texas Instruments will be teaching 2 classes at ESC Silicon Valley:

In each class, the first 125 attendees will receive an eZ430-Chronos Wireless Watch Development Tool. The tool is a highly integrated, wearable wireless development system for the CC430 microcontroller in a sports watch - a reference platform for watch systems, a display for personal area networks, or a wireless sensor node for remote data collection.

The eZ430-Chronos
Representing a new era in development, the eZ430-Chronos is the world’s first customizable development environment within a sports watch. The kit allows developers to easily harness the leading integration, ultra-low power and wireless capabilities of TI’s CC430 MCU. Chronos was designed to provide customers with all of the hardware and software needed to immediately begin development of wireless networking applications, regardless of programming expertise.

A reprogrammable development system for wireless applications, the eZ430-Chronos is equipped with sensors for measurement and motion sensitive control and a wireless feature allowing it to act as a central hub for nearby wireless sensors to get real-time information back to the user.

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